155 Blog
Interior Design - Tips - General Musings
155 Ways To Bottle That Feeling.
I’ve just had a conversation with someone about sausages. No I’m serious, sausages - as in, what’s in them and what makes them delicious. Now, when you think about what they’re made from and how unappetising it sounds, then quite frankly, I’ll pass but when you put them in a pan, that’s a different story. In fact, one whiff of that tantalising sizzle makes you completely forget that you’re trying to embrace the vegetarian life. Stick a bit of HP Sauce on and you’ve got magic. Comforting and delicious.
So why am I telling you this (I can only assume that’s what you’re asking - if you’ve made it past that ridiculous description of a sausage then more power to you, I guess)? It’s because I was asked what the sizzle in 155 is? What is the bit that excites people about this business?
Well, what if your home was the sausage? Bear with me - I swear I’ve got a point.